Saturday, January 21, 2012

My Thoughts On SOPA

Hey! Maryam wanted me to talk about the SOPA Act, so I decided to make a video!! Check it out!
These videos should be more than the actual blogs, because I can just talk to the camera and go with it. So, expect to see these more often!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Nicki Minaj...Girl What Are You Doing?

Hello everyone!

Coming in really quickly to give you my review on Nicki Minaj's "Stupid Hoe" video. Check the video below, it says everything.

Oh yeah...And check out the actual video.

Post comments man!!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

New year and Natural Hair!

Well hello again!!!

Haven't written in such a long time. Been enjoying my carefree days of doing nothing before spring semester starts. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Its officially 2012!

I love the New Year. It give me a start to bigger and better things in the future. Its also a reminder to leave old drama and conflicts in the year behind me.

So with that all being said, the majority of this post is going to be on my hair. So, if you're someone who doesn't like reading/listening about hair, this post most certainly is not for you.

Well, let's start at the VERY beginning. I had been getting perms in my hair since I was about 8. (That's a shame.) Now, perms were great. Everyone in my family had perms. It made it easier to style, and you could get in water and your hair would still be straight and smooth. However, once i got a little older, I hated them. The constant putting chemicals in my hair, the burning and not being able to freely scratch my itchy scalp if I wanted. (LOL)

Well, let me stop there. I'm not saying perms are bad. My mother has had perms since I can remember, and she's always had nice hair. Same goes for my aunts and my cousins. All their hair is beautiful, even with the perms in it. So, don't take this as a "I HATE PERMS" post, because it isn't. When I had perms in my hair, I really liked it for what is was worth. No worries about sweating it out, or even getting my hair wet, because it would still be straight.

So jumping back into the story, being a freshman in high school, I will say, I didn't care about my looks at all. I wouldn't do right by my hair, not washing it for weeks and putting WAY too much heat on it. I decided in the 10th grade that I would stop with the perms and just let my hair be natural. I was going through what the natural community calls the transition stage. My hair was slowly growing out of the perm and becoming all natural. However, as the years went on, I constanly wore my hair straight, so no one ever knew I didn't have a perm in my hair. I had successfully straightened my natural hair without the use of perms!

However, all that heat on my hair began to take its toll. My hair would start to break, and so I decided in the summer of 2011 to just cut it all off. Most people have seen my short cut and knows what it looks like and my hair was completely natural then. I still didn't learn from the past and continously put much more heat on my hair, especially since I went to college, and didn't have my hairdresser in my back pocket to do my hair every week.

Coming back home for the winter break, I noticed that I had done DAMAGE to my hair, so bad, that it was severly breaking off. From that moment, I really decided to forget all of the heat, and go FULLY natural, rocking my hair the way it grows and not giving a damn what anyone has to say about it. I really think that being natural, in its little way, has made me empowered. I can walk out my house in the style I want to wear it, and not care at all what someone else has to say.

I really feel that (although I don't want to get to deep into it, because at the end of the day, its only hair) all people, have been conditioned to wear their hair a specific way all their lives. For me, it started when I was 8, with my first perm, and I just was conditioned to think that every person wears their hair straight all the time. Now that I'm older, and I know that not all people have the same style, texture, etc. of hair, it gives me confidence to do what I want and to not listen to the many people who will bring me down over a superficial thing like what I choose to do with my hair.

Hair Regimen

With this natural journey, I have decided to fully research and see what I can do to grow my hair effectively and healthy. So, I have firstly determined that my hair is a really wierd texture. Let me explain, if you look on the curl chart:

I'm some wierd inbetween of 3c and 4a. Secondly, I have to buy all new products and find new ways to style my hair other than using heat. I will say that Youtube has been my best friend in my whole process. Its only been like a week with no heat, but I will say, I plan to be fully committed to this new journey I'm taking.

So,(for those who care) I have 4 products that I will be using religiously.

The first is Creme of Nature" Detangling and Conditioning Shampoo.

As a natural haired person, it is important to detangle your hair, because it can get really brittle and dry and tangle-y. So, I purchased this becasue of the detangling component, and because it contains Sunflower and coconut oils, which are good for the hair.

The second is Lustrasilk Shea Butter Conditioner.

So, a little 2 little birdies told me that shea butter and olive oil is good for the hair, on the book of faces. (aka Facebook). So, I thought, "Well, if its good for the hair, why not just buy a conditioner of shea butter!" And that's what I did! This conditioner is supposed to treat heat damaged and hydrates the hair, so I'm super excited because that is really what my hair needs.

The third is Coconut Oil.

Coconut oil is like the best thing on God's green earth. Not only does it had moisture to your hair, but it SMELLS SO GOOD!!!! I've been using this coconut oil on my hair FOREVER, but I didn't know you were supposed to use oils on wet hair??? Where they do that at? So, I've been using it to on my wet hair, as well as the dry hair. No need for dandruff over here!

Lastly, Elasta Op liquid styling gel.

This product is a lifesaver. Seriously...It doesn't make your hair all rough, dry and brittle when you put it in. I coiled my hair this weekend, (its messy now) and I looked like a hispanic. (No disrespect.) My hair was SUPER curly! I loved it. So, if you don't know about the gel, get into it.

So yep, thats it. For the first few days I cowashed my hair (wash your hair, but instead of using shampoo, use conditioner) but that didn't really do it for me. So the weekend I coiled my hair, and I really liked it! So we'll see how this natural hair journey goes! =D