Saturday, January 12, 2013

Twilight Review

Well thanks everyone for giving their opinions on what I should write about this week. It's way overdue, I know, just so much as been going on this week (and quite frankly I've been too lazy, and having writers block).

Now, here's the thing. I've read most of the Twilight series, and in the 9th/10th grade, was excited that they were going to make a movie of the books. Looking back on it now, as an almost 20-year-old, I realize that Twilight is not something that should equate to an epic romance. Just to get my mini rant out of the way about the movies -- they suck. I don't like the actors, I don't like the screenplay, I don't like the direction the movies took at all. Seeing as though the screenwriter(s) and director(s) didn't have much to go off of in the first place, its a miracle that the movies could even be made.

I will say this...the books (or what I did read) were better than than the movies; most of the time they always are. My main problem with Twilight lies in the 3 main characters: Bella, Edward, and Jacob. And whilst doing this rant, I had to look up the synopsis of some of the books, because I could not remember what the hell happened in them. (That should show you right there how awesome they are at keeping your attention) So here we go:

Simply put, Twilight is about having a boyfriend. That's it. Throughout the entire series, Bella has this obession with Edward, and vice versa. Its almost extremely creepy to have these two, seemingly 'opposites attract' characters being completely obsessed with each other. More often than not, I really don't see what draws Bella and Edward together. What do they have in common? In my opinion, if I'm with a guy and all he wants to do is look at me all the fucking time and we can't go out anywhere, what kind of relationship is that? All that draws Bella and Edward together is the shit Bella seems to get into after fooling around with Edward. Attack after attack happens when Bella is with Edward, and it seems like he makes her life a lot more complicated than it has to be. Also, there's no character development. None of these characters are relatable in any way, shape, or form to anyone reading the book. One is a obessive fangirl (Bella), one is a manipulative control freak (Edward), and one is a love-sick idiot (Jacob). The way that Meyer describes vampires and werewolves (wouldn't Jacob be a shapeshifter?) is confusing, and its all a clusterfuck of all the things to not do in a relationship.

The only thing more annoying than having to read about this stupid ass relationship is, if you dig deep enough, what it teaches people about relationships. As I mentioned before, Bella is obsessed with Edward. In the second book, when Edward leaves out of the clear blue fucking sky, any normal girl would be like, This sucks. Let me sad about it for a bit and move on with my life. But no, not Bella. She sits in a depressed state for months at a time worried about Edward, who just left her OUT OF THE CLEAR BLUE FUCKING SKY. What more does she need to understand that this is not a healthy relationship for her to be in? Including that fact that he is a vampire, he treats her like dirt too?

I also feel like Edward is a manipulative control freak. Everything has to be his way, or no way, and I hate how Bella always folds to what he wants. Can't she ever get a voice of her own? Stephanie Meyer says the book is about choices, and I would have to disagree with her. How is the book about choices when the only choice Bella ever makes in the novel are one's that are influenced by Edward's feelings about them? She can't ever make a decision on her own life without seeing how Edward will feel or fit into her plans.

And sorry to say, as the series goes on, the writing gets worse. I could barely make it through New Moon and quit Breaking Dawn half way through. At some point, I got tired of reading of how much these two fucking love each other.

The only person I feel sorry for is Jacob. He is the classic example of friendzoned, or in newer terms, and emotional fluffer. Once Edward leaves (once again out of the clear blue fucking sky), Bella turns to Jacob, who always liked her. She confines in Jacob (and does all this stupid shit to see 'visions' of Edward while with Jacob) and he becomes something like a boyfriend, something like a best friend. Now, once Edward comes back into the picture, Bella basically says, Yeah, Jake...about that relationship that we might have had...its over now that Edward's back. FRIENDZONED

I could see how the Twilight series could appeal to people, because of the romance factor..striving for the 'romance novel-movie perfect' relationship that doesn't exist. Also the movies are popular because the cast is semi-attractive people. But, let's come back down to Earth...please. Twilight is not a book that will be remembered forever, like the novels they make us read in high school. I would just die if any book from the Twilight series is a required reading book for any classroom.

On Facebook, let me know what you think of Twilight, or any other love story. Do you think they present a 'real-life' view of relationships? The same argument could be used for Romeo and Juliet. 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year!!

Welcome to the New Year!

Its offically 2013. We have survived the Mayan Apocalypse and a Fiscal Cliff! Many things have happened over the past year, and I am glad and blessed to still be on the right track. However, with the new year comes New Year Resolutions.

Yes, I know. Everyone says their going to do something great and wonderful at the beginning at the year, and my February the resolution is done and forgotten about. However, I am deciding to let you all know what my 2013 resolutions are and hopefully stick to him for the remainder of the year.

1. Working Out. Yes extremely cliche, but I need to get it right and tight for the summer time. There is no excuse, being as though I have a free gym on campus, that I cannot work out at least twice a week. Last semester I couldn't because I was working, but I think that chapter is over for me. I'm going to devote myself to my studies this semester, and since that means more free time, I'll have more opportunities to work out.

2. Improve My Grades. As stated in the last resolution, I was working the fall semester, and my time was usually spent going to class and going to work. No time to study, no time to hang with friends. So, now that I know I can't slack like I did this semester, I'm going to shape up and really take the initiative to do better in class.

3. Keep Rocking the Natural 'Do. Can you believe its been a year? My hair has grown SO much and I'm so excited. To be truthful, I don't like my hair straight anymore now that I have my hair natural. I'm going to keep my hair like this and hopefully grow it even longer so I can reach my hair length goal!

Well those are it for me! I have started with the first resolution by buying exercise clothes. Once I feel a bit better, I'm working it out on the Wii Fit and get my body right for the summer.

This is just the start of my weekly (it might become bi-weekly) blogs. Hopefully someone likes them, and likes what I have to say, whether its about a tv show, musical artist or random news event. Maybe someone could give me ideas about what I could blog about. I'll take requests! :)
And I think that each blog should end with a question so that a discussion could be had in the comments on Facebook. So, like any start of the year, here is my question to you all:

What are your New Year's Resolutions?