Friday, December 16, 2011

Please Clean Your Ears

***Well I was supposed to update that playlist from Wednesday, but you know how studying goes. Yesterday (when is where my whole dilemma starts) I had a computer science final, which was very easy, and I got an A on it! Be proud of me! =) Then that night, I was studying for my biology final and seminar final which were at 8:00 am and 12:30, respectively. I should be doing something on the most overexposed things in 2011 (in favor of Kingsley on youtube), and putting up the second half of that playlist. So you guys get a lot today. YAY!!! Now, to this post.***

Chile, if I did not go through one of the most annoying things in my life today, I swear I wouldn't be making this a post at all. Let's start with a disclaimer. I do clean my ears. Everyday. Once I'm done in the shower, I take my washcloth and clean behind my ears and on the inside. Now, your not supposed to stick anything in your actual ear, so I guess you could say, I never clean that part because I was always under the assumption that it just cleans itself. Oh...MY.....GOSH was I wrong.

So starting well early yesterday morning, I rolled over in my bed just like any other person would, and my right ear popped. Yes, popped. You know that sensation that your ear goes through when you fly in a plane, or (for those who use the subway) when your in a tunnel and your ears get pressure and unclog themselves? Well thats what my right ear was doing, while I was laying in my bed. I seriously had no idea what to do, but just rolled over and thought nothing of it. So, as I'm getting up to take my 8:00 computer science exam, it popped. Again. I went throughout the entire day with my right ear popping when I would yawn, when I would burp, when I swallowed, even if I stretched too much. Yesterday night, I figured I'll just sleep it off and be fine in the morning. WRONG AGAIN. (Gosh, I'm wrong a lot in this story.)

So this morning, my ear pops again as I'm getting up. I decided (and excuse my language) I'm sick of this shit. I'm going to the health center and see if they know whats wrong with my ear. I had looked online early this morning, around 4:00 to see what the hell was wrong. The internet gave me: liquid in your ears or earwax. I was really hoping it was earwax so whoever was working on me could clean my ears and I could be out of there. So, I went and took my 8:00 biology exam, with my ear popping throughout the entire test. I hurried up and turned in my test, with an extra 30 minutes to spare (you know they give you 2 hours to take a final) and rushed my butt to the health center. When I got there, they did the preliminary stuff: height, weight, blood pressure, family history, etc.

When I went to see the doctor, I told him my ears have been popping and I have no idea whats going on. He looked in my ears and told me I have an extreme build up of earwax that was actually blocking him from seeing my eardrum. I still thought nothing of this. I thought if they do some zapppy thing and clean my ears out, I can be out of here. WRONG ONCE AGAIN.

The lady who cleaned my ears did something called irrigation. Which is:
  1. Protect your clothing. Water is EVERYWHERE.
  2. Mix together a solution of warm water and perioxide
  3. Take a large syringe-like device and fill it up.
  4. Stick in ear and push ALL that damn water out.
When I tell you I was thinking how the fuck is all that freakin water going to fit in my ears? I was terrified to say the least. When she did my right ear the first time (she did each ear a total of 3 times) all I could hear in my right ear was crackling. (Like rice crispy treat crackling. All up and through my ear) She told me "Its breaking down the wax in your ear. So now your ears will be clean and unclogged." She then did the other side and told me, "This side is really red. It seems as though you were getting starting to get an infection from all the wax."

Now don't get me wrong, it didn't hurt at all, but it was just something you don't want done. So the point of this post is to tell you guys, please clean the inside of your ears. It really helps your hearing (seeing as though I can hear really well now), and prevents you from going through the popping, partial hearing loss, or ear irrigation. All you gotta do is take perioxide from the dollar store and warm water, mix them together, and put like 2 drops in your ear once a week. That's it! And your free from any other health risks as far as your ears go.

This story may be gross to some, but I really needed to share. The doctor told me earwax buildup is the cause of many young people who have hearing loss, and sticking in headphones makes it worse, because it pushes the earwax and compacts it in your ear.

So, I know what I'll be doing every Sunday night from now on. I surely do not want to go through that EVER again. =)


  1. Woooooooooow. I appreciate the PSA. AND I'M ECSTATIC YOU GOT AN A!!!!!!

  2. LMAO Oh this is funny. Yes it's an unfortunate event, but I would have laughed all the same. I do clean my ears, in and around it, so thanks for further validating my habit. Well done for passing that test.
